Assalamualaikum and Hi guys!!!!

So for the week 13 reflection, I will talk about my group proposal of the Desa Sejahtera Proposal. Dr. Suhaimi asked us to give our own opinion regarding this program and what we need to do to make this project successful. So, my and my group members brainstormed and exchange our idea and opinion about this project. The first thing that we want to propose is doing the gotong-royong at the place. We hope that this activity can help the resident at the place can have a cleaner and better environment to live in. It is also can be done by working together to clean and manage the place to become harmonious than before in order to achieve the concept of 'Sejahtera'. In addition, it can spread awareness about cleanliness among the residents in the area. 

The other activity that we proposed is we can donate any kind of basic necessities to the villagers. This action can help them to have better hygiene and prevent them from getting harmful diseases. This is because when they have enough clean clothes or any cleanliness product like bath soap and toothbrush and toothpaste, it can make them become cleaner and healthier than before. This activity is aligned with SDG number 3 which is 'Good Health and Well-being'. It encourages and promotes well-being among the villagers. Therefore, we hope this activity can help them to have a better lifestyle. 

Lastly, we pray that the person we help within this project can enjoy a nice environment with their beloved ones. That is all from I guess and thank you for reading this entry. 💝
