Assalamualaikum everyone and Hi! Now I'm going to talk about the next topic which is Islam and Social sustainability. We will see the relationship between our religion and sustainability. In the Quran, Allah has mentioned that we need to maintain our relationship with Allah, with other humans and nature. 

From this topic, I learned that we as a Muslim needs to have a good relationship with Allah no matter what we do because Allah will grant us reward or punish us with horrible punishments based on what we do in this world. Allah will grant us heaven if we do what Allah has commanded us to do like praying five times a day, giving alms, and reciting al-Quran every day. No matter what we do, we need to think about Allah first because Allah is watching us. As good Muslims, we must avoid committing sins because sins will bring us to Hell and we will not want to be in Hell because of how hot it is. 

Other than that, the second point is we need to maintain good relations with the people we meet because it will affect our daily life. We must avoid making other people mad at us because it can cause a lot of chaos in our life. If we treat our friends in a good way, Allah will grant us a reward so it is very important to have a good relationship with everyone. 

Last but not least, we need to maintain our relationship with nature. It seems simple but it is actually play important role in protecting our planet. We need to treat the animals and plants the way we treat other people because they are living things and they are breathing the same air as us. In Quran, Allah has mentioned that we as a human, we are created by Allah to be Caliph that preserves our planet from any corruption and chaos. Therefore, we should take our role as Caliph seriously. Therefore, we need to take care of our beautiful nature and environment from being destroyed by heartless people. We can try by planting some plants or recycling some useful trash. By doing those activities, we can save our planet from global warming and pollutions. 


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