Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone!!!!

So I am going to talk about the transdisciplinary approach. You guys might be wondering what is the meaning of those words. The transdisciplinary approach means an approach to curriculum integration that can break down the limits between the standard disciplines and organizes teaching and learning in the context of real problems or themes. This approach is being used in order to achieve a better outcome of something. If you guys want a better understanding of this topic, you can watch the video below:

From the video above. the important thing that I have learned from them is everyone should work together in overcoming the global issue on our planet. For example, we need to cooperate in handling the climate change and global warming that happen nowadays. Everyone should play their role in making the world a better place to live. No matter where we are from, we still need to save our planet from destruction. We must work together in finding solutions on how to prevent climate change from happening. As we all know, in this globalization era, natural disasters keep happening in our world like in Malaysia, the flood always happens whenever it is heavy rain. The flood is made by human actions like deforestation and also poor drainage system in our country. If people take this issue seriously, this natural disaster might never happen and it can save hundreds of people's lives. 

Therefore, I just hope that our planet will be much better if everyone has the awareness of what will happen if they did not take care of the planet. Everyone can start by doing the small steps of preventing climate change like replanting the trees and try to use public transportation instead of personal vehicles to go somewhere because it can help to reduce pollutions. Last but not least, I hope this information can make everyone realizes the importance of saving our planet together. 

That is all from me! Thank you for reading.
