Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone!!! 

So for this week's blog, I am going to talk about the most important thing about sustainable development which is the roles of universities in doing so. This topic maybe not important for everyone but for me, I think it is very crucial for universities in shaping students with good moral values. Dr, Suhaimi mentioned this issue in class where not a lot of universities have this subject which is Sustainable Development for their students. Many people did not realize the benefits of this subject for the students and also for the environment. SDG as we know is very essential because all of the goals need to be achieved so that we can live a good life on Earth. If the universities did not teach their students this subject. It can cause the students to not know what they should do to sustain and preserve the environment. If the students learn more about SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), they will know more about the 17 goals created by United Nation. SDG not just about nature, but also about hunger issues, education, climate change, and many more. The higher authority in the universities should take this issue seriously and try to put sustainable development as one of the subjects that should be taken by the students. SDG subject will bring more benefits for the students and universities. 

Therefore, students in the universities should learn more about SDGs and try to apply what they have learned in their daily life. By doing so, we can change the whole world just from one small step. I am so grateful that I can learn this subject during my degree life because Dr. Suhaimi teaches me a lot of new things regarding SDG issues. 
