Assalamualaikum everyone!!!!

Now, I will talk about the relationship between Islam and Sustainable Development. There are a lot of things that Islam has taught us to protect and sustain our environment from harmful things. Allah taught about the actions that will be rewarded by Him in the Quran and of course one of them is taking care of our beautiful planet and do not destroy it. Not only that, our Prophet Muhammad also told us to be kind to everyone and including to other creatures even as small as an ant. 

The Fundamentals of Islam in Sustainable Development

Human and Allah have a great relationship as a human is a servant to Him and we need to maintain our relationship with Allah and it is called Habluminallah. No matter what we do, we need to think about Allah because all of our actions can be seen by Allah. Moreover, people also have Habluminnannas which is the relationship between a human with another human. For example, like we with our friends. We need to do and be good with other people because we never knew what they were going through in their life and the simplest thing we can do is smile 😀😁. Besides that, human also needs to maintain the relationship with other creatures like animals and plants because they are also living things like us. People may think that animals and plants do not do anything and they are not important much like us but little did they know that animals and plants are also contributing themselves in order to protect our planet. That is why Allah told us to be kind to other living things. We as the Caliph in this world need to play our role in protecting the Earth from corruption.  Remember that Allah always watching our actions. Islam teaches us to not harm animals that do not harm us like cats. Other than animals, human also needs to preserve our forests from being cut down because our planet needs plants to prevent us from global warming. And do good as Allah has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth. Allah does not love the corrupters”, (Al Qasas 28:77.( 


Glaciers and icebergs in Antarctica are melting and make the sea levels keep rising due to Green House gases. It can be concluded that human is the biggest factor that leads to climate change. Now, greenhouse gas levels are getting higher than in the past 800 000 years ago. Green House gases are caused by the rapid development of countries where there are a lot of buildings being built and cars being produced. These developments cause a lot of problems to our planet and due to that, most of the animals lost their habitats and some of them being extinct. This is why Allah told us to protect our planet and the creatures inside them. 

After seeing this picture, do people still have empathy inside them????
