Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone!!!! My name is Nur Irdina Safia binti Norizam and I live in Kuantan, Pahang with my family. I have another home in Penang but we only go back to Penang when it is holidays. My house in Kuantan is not as big as my house in Penang but it has a special place in my heart because I grew up there even though I was born in Penang. 💖

My house at Kuantan is located facing the main road. I think is quite dangerous as the kids will always play outside their house and sometimes they like to play on the road. The surrounding at my house is not really full of plants except for the mango tree which my father planted it beside our house when I was in primary school and now the tree is getting bigger and sometimes its leaves will fall into our neighbor's house. It is quite uncomfortable for our neighbor as it will cause their house to be full of leaves. However, my parents did a lot of cleaning to clear the places and make some changes like they bought a lot of accessories to make our house surroundings become cleaner and sparkling. 

Back to the main of this reflection which is what are sustainable development goals? What do sustainable development goals have to do to our world? Let's get into it. Firstly, sustainable development goals are the plans that have been made by United Nation in order to end poverty, sustain the environment, and protect the planet. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) contain 17 goals that need to be achieved to protect our planet.

These goals are made so that all people play their roles in preserving and protecting our planet. Everyone is needed to make some actions that can save our home; earth from being destroyed. It can ensure that the planet we are living on right now is in a good condition without suffering from global problems. There are a lot of things we can do to sustain the environment like recycling our waste and stop buying plastic but start to use your own bag when shopping. These small little actions can change the huge world but it needs to be started from yourself. 🌱

p/s: I don't have photos of my house surroundings because I forgot to snap them. I'm so sorry. 😢


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